Bioinorganic Chemistry (eBook)

Bioinorganic Chemistry (eBook)

Rosette M. Roat-Malone
Rosette M. Roat-Malone
€ 76,99
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€ 76,99
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Wiley
Codice EAN: 9781119535263
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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Introduces students to the basics of bioinorganic chemistry This book provides the fundamentals for inorganic chemistry and biochemistry relevant to understanding bioinorganic topics. It provides essential background material, followed by detailed information on selected topics, to give readers the background, tools, and skills they need to research and study bioinorganic topics of interest to them. To reflect current practices and needs, instrumental methods and techniques are referred to and mixed in throughout the book. Bioinorganic Chemistry: A Short Course, Third Edition begins with a chapter on Inorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry Essentials. It then continues with chapters on: Computer Hardware, Software, and Computational Chemistry Methods; Important Metal Centers in Proteins; Myoglobins, Hemoglobins, Superoxide Dismutases, Nitrogenases, Hydrogenases, Carbonic Anhydrases, and Nitrogen Cycle Enzymes. The book concludes with chapters on Nanobioinorganic Chemistry and Metals in Medicine. Readers are also offered end-of-section summaries, conclusions, and thought problems. Reduces size of the text from previous edition to match the first, keeping it appropriate for a one-semester course Offers primers and background materials to help students feel comfortable with research-level bioinorganic chemistry Emphasizes select and diverse topics using extensive references from current scientific literature, with more emphasis on molecular biology in the biochemistry section, leading to a discussion of CRISPR technology Adds new chapters on hydrogenases, carbonic anhydrases, and nitrogen cycle enzymes, along with a separate chapter on nanobioinorganic chemistry Features expanded coverage of computer hardware and software, metalloenzymes, and metals in medicines Supplemented with a companion website for students and instructors featuring Powerpoint and JPEG figures and tables, arranged by chapter Appropriate for one-semester bioinorganic chemistry courses, Bioinorganic Chemistry: A Short Course, Third Edition is ideal for upper-level undergraduate and beginning graduate students. It is also a valuable reference for practitioners and researchers in need of a general introduction to the subject, as well as chemists requiring an accessible reference.