Kitchen & Bath Products and Materials (eBook)

Kitchen & Bath Products and Materials (eBook)

Cheever Ellen (National Kitchen and Bath Association) NKBA 
Cheever Ellen (National Kitchen and Bath Association) NKBA 
€ 68,99
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€ 68,99
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Wiley
Collana: NKBA Professional Resource Library
Codice EAN: 9781118775318
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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Objective guidance on kitchen and bath fitting choice to suit any client and any space Kitchen and Bath Products and Materials describes the typical materials, equipment, and surfaces used in all facets of residential kitchen and bath design. Part of the National Kitchen and Bath Association's Professional Resource Library, this comprehensive reference is fully updated and expanded to include new technologies, materials, and finishes, with considerations of sustainability throughout. Full color illustrations and a revised design help visual learners better absorb the information, and the companion website provides an image bank and instructor's guide for classroom use. Each chapter includes a summary and review questions, allowing readers to test their grasp of the material at every step. Kitchen and bath design is the most popular and lucrative area within residential interior design. As such, the enormous amount of options available for surfaces, fixtures, and materials is far too vast to be navigated by taste and aesthetics alone. Kitchen and Bath Products and Materials provides the background designers need to choose what's best for the client and the space, based on a number of objective factors and technical details. This complete handbook allows readers to: Explore material options for storage systems, fixtures, fittings, and surfaces Become familiar with sizing systems, efficiency ratings, and certifications Consider factors like manufacturing processes, engineering, and configuration Learn the terms and nomenclature used to describe materials, fixtures, and appliances Design is about more than just aesthetics – whether the project is a remodel or new construction, there are codes, standards, and functional requirements that must be met. Kitchen and Bath Products and Materials is a practical reference, providing the information designers need to make informed decisions.