Betting on China (eBook)

Betting on China (eBook)

Robert W. Koepp
Robert W. Koepp
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Wiley
Codice EAN: 9781118087176
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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The promise and perils of Chinese stocks in American stock markets Betting on China takes readers on an illuminating journey into the often confusing and poorly understood world of Chinese stock issuances in America. With insightful qualitative and quantitative analysis, it looks at the phenomenon of equity and capital exchanged between the world's two largest economies and the implications for global finance. Written in an accessible narrative style and amply supported by hard data, the book examines the context and underpinnings of the Sino-American equity relationship, revealing its core dynamics through real-world case studies that range from the precedent-setting blockbuster IPO of China Mobile to the near breakdown of the U.S.-China equity exchange mechanism brought about by short seller attacks on Chinese concept stocks. Combining an insider's eye with an outsider's objectivity, American born author and Beijing-based consultant Robert Koepp explores the reasons and the means by which China, America, and the global economy reap enormous gains from the process of Chinese companies issuing equity shares on U.S. stock markets. Betting on China exposes the complexities and nuances of a vital but underappreciated pillar of modern international finance and offers a window into China's role as a dominant but still modernizing economic superpower. Analyzes on a macro- and microscale the forces that move Chinese companies to raise capital on NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange and what this means for the world at large Explores the real stories behind why and how China-based enterprises develop as public companies listed in the United States—and why government regulations need to work in support of and not against this force of market nature Shows that the "betting" on China that occurs through the U.S. equity market exchanges is critical for getting an accurate picture of China's position and prospects in our interactively connected global economy Detailed but accessible, Betting on China is essential reading for global finance professionals, policymakers and regulators, students of finance, people doing business in China, and anyone curious about China's place in—and impact on—the global economy today and in the years to come.