World Religions - Is there a Meaning for You? (eBook)

World Religions - Is there a Meaning for You? (eBook)

Hartney ChrisForbes Ron
Hartney ChrisForbes Ron
€ 5,19
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€ 5,19
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Relationship Publishing
Collana: Edition
Codice EAN: 9780992416638
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
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Amazon Best Seller now in 2nd Edition – restructured and expanded, with Appendix and larger format. Won the eLit Silver Award, Religion (Eastern & Western) in 2014 – the Dalai Lama won Gold! This is a book about Faith and living - the faith you have, the faith you would like to know about, the faith you might choose, or even the one you lost. Its value could be at work, in relationships, or interfaith and reconciliation, or students. It's about the journey of religion through the ages and its impact on us all today. Atheism is included and Agnosticism - and the guilt you might feel when moving from one religion to another. Also Consumerism – is this the new religion? And it talks about 'Cults', how to identify them and how to get out of them. And if you're looking for meaning and fulfilment in your life? Then browse the world's religions. You may be surprised! This common sense guide takes the form of a journey across religion down the ages, giving a deeply felt appreciation for what each religion offers us, as well as a candid look at the negatives - the untold story. There are Ten Guidelines you can use to assess any faith (or 'cult') if you're thinking of changing religions or going atheist (or the other way round). Humour at times! Our purpose in writing this is to support all those with a need to understand the many ways in which our lives have been affected by religion - the impact on culture, ethics, authority, politics, education, change, gender equality, social taboos and more. It may even help you discuss the un-discussible! There is much here relating to Interfaith Dialogue - where people attempt to cross the gulfs that divide us and see what's on the other side - what keeps us apart, what could bring us together. At the end of the book are firsthand and touching accounts from people of widely differing faiths describing from their own perspectives the experience of full commitment to their tradition. The book follows the progress of religions over time and how they interact. We start with the most ancient religions: the African San, the Australian Aboriginal and the Pagan. Since the book is launched in the Western world, we take up next the Abrahamic religions - those that begin with the Jewish prophet Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. After that, the Eastern religions, starting with Hinduism (the oldest) and following on to Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Daoism, then Atheism - and Consumerism (hilarious but true). Included are the many branches in between, and some serious 'cults'. Despite the conflicts, and the belief of many that their religion has remained unchanged 'from the beginning', all religions as they spread to new societies, inherit cultural practices and beliefs. Religions, as they evolve and mutate now show signs of coming together as friends, rather than as long-term rivals. We encourage this possibility of reconciliation. There is even a possible ‘Theory of Everything’ – or is that beyond belief? And if you have no religious belief? Take a look anyway and wonder about the origins of your own beliefs and values - and what might you owe to whom? How did we get where we are today? PS: the question of 'Cults' must now be taken very seriously by all of us. The widespread use of 'Command Hypnosis' clearly makes many professionals and quite ordinary people open to manipulation by trained cult members. Don't think they can't manage you! If you even suspect it could be a cult (religious or 'therapy'), stay away and read the ex-member's reports in this book. That should cure you of your interest! For the rest of it, good luck! Stay in touch.