No Good Deed (eBook)

No Good Deed (eBook)

Kara Connolly
Kara Connolly
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Delacorte Press
Codice EAN: 9780385373234
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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**"[A] clever girl-power take on the Robin Hood legend."-The Buffalo News Fans of Meagan Spooner's Hunted and CJ Redwine will love this reimagining of the legend of Robin Hood. Girl power rules supreme when a modern girl finds herself in the middle of a medieval mess with only her smart mouth and her Olympic-archer aim to get her home.** Ellie Hudson is the front-runner on the road to gold for the U.S. Olympic archery team. All she has to do is qualify at the trials in jolly old England. When Ellie makes some kind of crazy wrong turn in the caverns under Nottingham Castle—yes, that Nottingham—she ends up in medieval England. Ellie doesn’t care how she got to the Middle Ages; she just wants to go home before she gets the plague. But people are suffering in Nottingham, and Ellie has the skills to make it better. What’s an ace archer to do while she’s stuck in Sherwood Forest but make like Robin Hood? Pulled into a past life as an outlaw, Ellie feels her present fading away next to daring do-gooding and a devilishly handsome knight. Only, Ellie is on the brink of rewriting history, and when she picks up her bow and arrow, her next shot could save her past—or doom civilization’s future. "A rollicking time travel adventure that will sweep you away to the forest of Nottingham. Be prepared for surprises around every corner and a stubborn, strong-willed heroine you'll root for from the moment she picks up her bow!”-Colleen Houck, New York Times bestselling author of the Reawakened series and the Tiger’s Curse series "This cheeky take on the Robin Hood legend is pure fun. Connolly’s swashbuckling debut will satisfy any adventure fans."-Booklist "This fresh take on the Robin Hood well worth it."-Publishers Weekly "Fans will enjoy Ellie’s escapades as she runs around Sherwood Forest, bumping into bad guys, and teens interested in historical fiction with a generous mix of action/adventure will appreciate this page-turner.... [Hand to readers of] Renée Ahdieh’s The Wrath & the Dawn series, David Almond’s A Song for Ella Grey, and Scott Lynch’s The Lies of Locke Lamora."-SLJ "An appealing mix of tough and vulnerable...humor and complexity...make this absorbing time travel tale a refreshing change of pace."-Bulletin