Blacklight Born (eBook)

Blacklight Born (eBook)

Alexander Darwin
Alexander Darwin
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Orbit
Collana: The Combat Codes
Codice EAN: 9780356521534
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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The Grievar War has engulfed the Empire of Kiroth. Silas the Slayer has given voice and violence to his warrior kin, providing them a reason to rise up after a thousand years of servitude. Cego is released into a war-torn world where the lines between shadow and light are blurred. He must decide which side to fight for: with his brother's righteous rebellion or beside the family he has finally found. Murray Pearson leads a group of Lyceum students on an adventure across Kiroth to follow the path of combat mastery. But Murray seeks something more on this long road. Redemption. Blacklight Born is the explosive conclusion to the Combat Codes Saga, a story where all must seek a final truth as they step back into the Circle. Why do we fight? 'That rare book that fully satisfies me as an action fan' Fonda Lee, author of Jade City, on The Combat Codes 'Darwin writes violence with the rhythm and surprise of a well-executed sonnet, wedding the smooth grace of choreography with the unflinching brutality of fists breaking bone. The fights are mesmerizing, layered like fascia, twitching and flexing and propelling the story toward a conclusion that both satisfies and opens the door to the next volume' The New York Times on The Combat Codes 'The Combat Codes is a great read for any fan of realistic martial arts fiction. The integration of a compelling sci-fi / fantasy plot and true-to-life martial arts action make for a unique story that any student of warfare is sure to enjoy' Ryan Hall, UFC Fighter 'The Combat Codes by Alexander Darwin is a chimera blending Science Fiction and Fantasy to tell a vividly-realized tale both focused and sprawling. It's a book about warriors written by a master of the martial arts, and the mastery shows. In its pages, expect to explore power, politics, and brutal violence, but I repeat myself' Evan Winter, author of The Rage of Dragons