Blade of Dream (eBook)

Blade of Dream (eBook)

Daniel Abraham
Daniel Abraham
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Orbit
Collana: The Kithamar Trilogy
Codice EAN: 9780356515434
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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***THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING SERIES*** 'ATMOSPHERIC AND FASCINATING' Joe Abercrombie on Age of Ash 'SPECTACULAR' Django Wexler on Age of Ash From the Sunday Times bestselling and critically acclaimed author Daniel Abraham, co-author of The Expanse, comes the second novel in a monumental epic fantasy trilogy that unfolds within the walls of a single great city, over the course of one tumultuous year. Kithamar is a center of trade and wealth, an ancient city with a long, bloody history where countless thousands live and their stories endure. This is Garreth's. Garreth Left is heir to one of Kithamar's most prominent merchant families. The path of his life was paved long before he was born. Learn the family trade, marry to secure wealthy in-laws, and inherit the business when the time is right. But to Garreth, a life chosen for him is no life at all. In one night, a chance meeting with an enigmatic stranger changes everything. He falls in love with a woman whose name he doesn't even know, and he will do anything to find her again. His search leads him down corridors and alleys that are best left unexplored, where ancient gods hide in the shadows, and every deal made has a dangerous edge. The path that Garreth chooses will change the course of not only those he loves, but the entire future of Kithamar's citizens. In Kithamar, every story matters - and the fate of the city is woven from them all. Praise for the Kithamar Trilogy: 'This outstanding series debut . . . instantly hooks readers with dual mysteries . . . Readers will eagerly anticipate the sequel' Publishers Weekly 'Age of Ash is a stunningly written, character driven story, centred on thieves, grief and dark magic. Abraham certainly knows how to enchant his readers and transport them to the city of Kithamar, a place of beauty and of forbidding secrets' Fantasy Hive 'Atmospheric and fascinating' Joe Abercrombie, Sunday Times bestselling author of A Little Hatred 'Kithamar is a spectacular creation, a city brought to life by dance, intricate worldbuilding and subtle magic. Fans of Scott Lynch . . . will enjoy this one' Django Wexler, author of Ashes of the Sun 'Daniel Abraham builds this world up with all the confident craftsmanship you'd expect from an author of his pedigree . . . So hang on to your cloak and dagger, Kithamar is in the hands of a pro' SFX The Kithamar Trilogy Age of Ash Blade of Dream Judge of Worlds