The Secret Circle: The Complete Collection (eBook)

The Secret Circle: The Complete Collection (eBook)

L J Smith
L J Smith
€ 16,01
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€ 16,01
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: HarperCollins
Collana: Secret Circle
Codice EAN: 9780062374783
Anno pubblicazione: 2014
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From the bestselling author of The Vampire Diaries L. J. Smith, comes a dangerously exciting tale of love, witchcraft, and the supernatural, perfect for fans of the Beautiful Creatures series. This collection includes all seven books in the series. The Secret Circle: The Initiation and The Captive Part I: Forced to move from sunny California to gloomy New England, Cassie longs for her old life. Even so, she feels a strange kinship to a terrifying group of teens who seem to rule her school. But when she falls for the mysterious and intriguing Adam, Cassie must choose whether to resist temptation or risk dark forces to get what she wants—even if it means that one wrong move could ultimately destroy her. The Secret Circle: The Captive Part II and The Power: Cassie has joined the most alluring—and deadly—in-crowd imaginable. But power comes with a price, and it's more dangerous than she knows. In the ultimate battle between good and evil, will Cassie's supernatural powers be strong enough to lead the coven out of danger? The Secret Circle: The Divide: For the first time since moving to New Salem, Cassie Blake feels normal. She's dating her soul mate Adam and making new friends in town. But the Circle is being hunted by an unknown enemy—and anyone could be the next victim. As they struggle to protect themselves, alliances are formed and relationships are tested. No one knows who to trust or who to fear. Will Cassie be able to save the Circle . . . and herself? The Secret Circle: The Hunt: Cassie's life is far from ordinary. Her best friends are a coven of witches and her relationship with her boyfriend, Adam, is written in the stars. But then Cassie's evil half sister surfaces, determined to take Cassie's place in the Secret Circle. And a band of powerful witch-hunters begins targeting the group, determined to destroy them. Will Cassie survive this ultimate battle between good and evil? The Secret Circle: The Temptation: Black John's curse has been unleashed on the Circle, and it is up to Cassie to set things right. As Cassie's heart is tested once more, she is forced to finally choose between Nick and Adam, and she faces the ultimate test of her power in this gripping showdown between good and evil.