The Dare Collection May 2021: Just One More Night (Summer Seductions) / Tempting the Enemy / Reawakened / Fast Lane (eBook)

The Dare Collection May 2021: Just One More Night (Summer Seductions) / Tempting the Enemy / Reawakened / Fast Lane (eBook)

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€ 14,34
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Mills & Boon
Codice EAN: 9780008917470
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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Introduce yourself to Mills & Boon’s sexiest series yet! Just One More Night Caitlin Crews He’s claiming her… One night at a time! Free spirit Indiana March is always moving on. But she’s never forgotten the dangerous stranger who rescued her in a dark Budapest alley…or her promise to meet him in Prague two years later. She’ll give him one wild night, then she’ll flit away. With his breathtakingly blue eyes and sculpted lips, Stefan may claim her soul as well as her body. But can his passion chain her restless heart? Tempting the Enemy JC Harroway Why sleep with the enemy… when you can seduce him? My plan was to convince ultra-gorgeous Manhattan billionaire Sterling Lombard to sell his shares in my family's company. Instead, I seduced him out of his $10,000 suit. Now the ruthlessly sexy businessman is playing a wicked game where lust and hate collide—both at work and between the sheets. But if tempting Sterling Lombard is playing with fire, falling for him might be an explosive disaster… Reawakened Rachael Stewart They’re working overtime… in the bedroom! My renowned PR skills have been called upon to save business owner Olivia Carmel from her hedonistic ways. But soon she is reawakening my darkest desires…showing me how well we work together in the bedroom. I’m feeling more than lust, but Oliva refuses to be tied to anyone, much less a man sixteen years her junior. But I’m done playing it safe. Can I tempt her to take a chance on me? Fast Lane Margot Radcliffe The faster they go… the hotter it gets! After discovering her boyfriend is cheating, vintner Blair Sandoval is officially off the market. That is, until she meets ex-race car driver Cole Taggart—who's a mouthwatering combination of danger, charm, and delicious sexiness. Blair knows she's playing with fire. But sometimes a caution flag (or twenty) isn't enough to keep a girl from going faster than she should… especially when love always plays dirty.