Mrs Van Gogh (eBook)

Mrs Van Gogh (eBook)

Caroline Cauchi
Caroline Cauchi
€ 8,93
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€ 8,93
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: One More Chapter
Codice EAN: 9780008524517
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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“As intricate and absorbing as a Van Gogh painting…MRS VAN GOGH will stay with me for a long time.” New York Times bestseller Hazel Gaynor “All the characters jump off the page…what we have here is a very fine novel.” Historical Novel Society She’s been painted out of history…until now Who tells her story? In 1890, Vincent Van Gogh dies penniless, unknown, a man tortured by his own mind. Eleven years later his work is exhibited in Paris and his unparalleled talent finally recognised. The tireless efforts of one woman gave the world one of its greatest creative minds. But twenty-eight year old Johanna Van Gogh-Bonger, Vincent’s sister-in-law and the keeper of his immense collection of paintings, sketches and letters, has, until now, been written out of history. This beautiful, moving novel finally gives this extraordinary woman a voice… Praise for Mrs Van Gogh: “[A] brilliantly fictionalized account of the life of a woman who the world needs to know better” Lit Hub “What an exquisitely written book, I loved every moment! How lucky readers are going to be to read this utterly absorbing and deeply moving book for the first time. Such a treat!” USA Today bestseller Deborah Carr “A truly impressive book and a great talent.” Sunday Times bestseller Caroline Corcoran “Brings to vivid life an extraordinary woman… will appeal to all lovers of historical fiction. A story that deserves to be told and widely known.” Essie Fox ????? “This book is exquisite! Everything about Johanna's story is astoundingly beautiful and hers is a story that needed to be told, a voice that deserved to be heard” ????? “A beautifully done historical novel, it was so well written and did everything that I was hoping for” ???? “A beautifully written historical novel… Johanna was ahead of her time and the author portrayed her authentically” ????“Historical fiction at its best. A well-written story about a strong woman with a fascinating life” ???? “The author paints a beautiful picture…If you enjoy historical fiction and you like strong female characters, I highly recommend”