A Wedding at Sandy Cove: Part 4 (A Wedding at Sandy Cove, Book 4) (eBook)

A Wedding at Sandy Cove: Part 4 (A Wedding at Sandy Cove, Book 4) (eBook)

Bella Osborne
Bella Osborne
€ 3,04
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€ 3,04
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Avon
Collana: A Wedding at Sandy Cove
Codice EAN: 9780008464998
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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This is the fourth part of a new heart-warming and feel-good romantic comedy as a four-part serial. ‘An absolutely perfect ending to the four parts… Romantic, nail-biting and funny in all the right places!’ NetGalley review ????? True love is never one-size-fits-all… Against the odds, Ella got her best friend successfully down the aisle. As she waves Brittany off on her romantic honeymoon with her new husband, the moment feels bittersweet. Her own happy ending feels further away than ever. While the other wedding guests are nursing their sore heads after too much champagne, Ella contemplates the bridal bouquet she caught the night before. Is it a sign? And does she even know what she wants it to be a sign of, anymore? The heat between her and Kit is still undeniable, but there are barriers between them that feel too big to overcome. And now with the unplanned return of her ex into her life, things feel more complicated than ever. As summer draws to a close, Ella plans a birthday party on the beach to celebrate with friends and family. But as she turns another year older, will she be any wiser in life or in love? The final instalment of this totally addictive summer read, full of laugh-out-loud moments, romance and friendship. Fans of Cathy Bramley, Katie Fforde and Milly Johnson will be totally hooked from the very first page. Readers adore Part Four of A Wedding at Sandy Cove: ‘Fantastic! Part 4 was well worth the wait… Amazing feel-good reading… A perfect summer read!’ NetGalley review ????? ‘A very satisfying ending to a great read! I loved this beautifully summery, wedding themed, relationship-filled delight of a book’ NetGalley review ????? ‘A wonderful ending to a fabulous summery read… A charming entertaining read just perfect for these lovely summer evenings or a holiday!’ NetGalley review ????? ‘I couldn’t wait to read Part 4… Read it in one sitting and it was just as fabulous as the others and perfect escapism… Full of happiness and love and hope for the future’ NetGalley review ????? ‘A brilliant final part… Bella Osborne writes amazing books that hook you from the first page… A wonderful summer romance… All four parts really were a pleasure and delight’ NetGalley review ????? ‘I loved the first three parts of the A Wedding at Sandy Cove serial but Part 4: A Perfect Fit, certainly saved the best until last… A lovely heart-warming tale that I thoroughly enjoyed’ NetGalley review ????? ‘I adored every part of this serial. As soon as I got this final part, I jumped into it and devoured it reading non-stop!’ NetGalley review ????? ‘A wholesome, warm fuzzy feeling in word form! A great summer read’ NetGalley review ?????