This Family Sucks! Sincerely Yours, Peter Frazier (eBook)

This Family Sucks! Sincerely Yours, Peter Frazier (eBook)

Leigh M. Hall
Leigh M. Hall
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Leigh M. Hall
Codice EAN: 9781393075394
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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Have you ever thought that maybe you didn't belong? Have you ever looked around at your family members and thought, there is no way I am related to these people? Both Peter Frazier and Trent Lockley thought this about the families they were born into. Two boys, the same age, miles apart. They are both from small Texas towns, born in the same hospital, on the same day. However, their lives turned out to be nothing alike. The Frazier family is a large, lively bunch. The fact that they are close-knit and share every detail of their lives with each other always seemed a little strange to Peter. Although he loves every one of his six siblings and his overly affectionate parents, he couldn't help but feel out of place around them. Trent Lockley is an only child born to abusive parents and spent most of his life posing as a punching bag for the town drunks. As he grew into a young man, his anger grew with him. Trent got in a lot of trouble as an adolescent. He would start fights at school frequently, and once he grew up and got even bigger than his drug addict father, he started fights at home. It is the summer of 1996; the Frazier family is preparing for Peter's High School graduation, and Peter is a little nervous because he has yet to make any plans for his future. He always figured that once he turned eighteen, he would hit the road and never look back, but now that the day is here, he isn't so sure. The idea of leaving his family, mainly his baby sister Tallulah behind now scares him. Right before the two strangers turn eighteen, they cross paths. Trent has somehow managed to wiggle his way into the Frazier's life, and Peter becomes suspicious of this newcomer and starts to question everything about him. The rest of the Frazier family seem to be blinded by Trent's charm and simply adore him. A dark cloud is hovering over the once perfect household. At every turn, the Frazier family get nothing but devastating news. Peter is not sure what this Trent character is capable of, but since his arrival, everything has gone wrong, so he must have something to do with it. Peter starts to piece the puzzle together but is it too late? Once the truth is discovered, Peter starts to realize that his family doesn't actually suck as much as he initially thought.