Hologramatic territory

Mirko Andolina
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Editore: Maggioli Editore
Collana: Politecnica
Codice EAN: 9788891604316
Anno edizione: 2014
Anno pubblicazione: 2014
Dati: 224 p.

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The particular geopolitical condition of the West Bank is subjected in this research, of a wide disciplinary re?.ection.Occupied territory after the Six Day War of 1967 by the state of Israel, the West Bank can be considered as a unique and experimental design case for its spatial and territorial arrangement and as a paradigmatic case of contemporary government and territorial modiÿcation. The project, or rather the strategy proposed, is structu-red from the consideration that the geopolitical conditions inside the West Bank territories should be considered in order to use the complexity of the place as the most important design parameter from which re-starting. The research is moving away from the classic statutes and veriÿed Spatial planning disciplines, and rather gets closer to ecology as a new way of designing and programming the large scale. In fact, the veriÿed models of spatial planning are here ine°ective, because of the complex and dynamic control systems of this territories. while the ecology, as anthropogeographic discipline, can instead "go beyond" the physical and geographical boundaries present there, and serving as a zero-degree of planning and as a new relation of proÿtable interdependence between the two people. 0-nCollection of Master Thesis of Politecnico di Milano within the Theory of WeaknessDirector and Coordinator: Elisa C. Cattaneo "0-n" is a collection of master thesis which I oversaw as supervisor at Politecnico di Milano. These books are a platform of heterogeneity, which ÿnd their common ÿeld in the theory of weakness, as imperfect and manifold way of knowledge. The aim is to experience an alternative method for contemporary spaces, able to regenerate the stabilized ideas of design. They are more experimental and vital texts/tests than veriÿcation procedures: this attitude brings them away from a strictly educational approach. They can be read according to two levels of meaning: in their speciÿc contexts and as open platforms for contemporary researches. Almost all of them are focused on processual values and on project transdisciplinary, in order to promote a cognitive space before a real one. I provided the students with fews thematic lines (a sense of short-circuit, trial, process of meaning), which were underlining an interpretation of knowledge in a horizontal sense, as Gilles Deleuze had deÿned.These topics have been independently developed by the candidates, so that they can be considered as authors of a new idea. I instructed this learning and researching method, because I belive that the secret of an e°ective education in to coinvince each student to be able to build his own vision of the world, without stereotyped positions.I am ÿnalising the object of education in the freedom of intelligence, and not in the rules of disciplines, by broading the students' needs and points of view. To cross the world in new expanded geographical horizons.Elisa C. Cattaneo Mirko AndolinaTeaching Assistant and Lecturer at the Politecnico di Milano, he graduated with honors in Architecture with the thesis Hologramatic territory. Ecological Strategies in West Bank Territories, developed in partnership with the Harvard University's Graduate School of Design. His research is focused on the relationship between ecology and contemporary cities, in particular in emerging and crisis territories.He worked in di°erent landscape and urbanism o?.ces based in Milan and Berlin.Since 2012 he is part of the independent research agency WeakCircus. Jason RebillotHe is an architect working at the intersection of political economy, political ecology, and urban transformation. Building on recent critiques of growth society, his work explores alternative epistemologies and new spatial/material conÿgurations of territory. He is an adjunct faculty member at both Northeastern University and the Harvard Graduate School of Design, o°ering courses in the theory and practice of contemporary...